Android 7.1 on Samsung Note 3
Taste new android on your old Samsung Note.
Get Android 7.1 on Samsung Note 3
In: Mods, Mobile, AndroidDo you want to taste android 7.1 but still waiting for official Samsung update for your Galaxy S7 Edge?.
Chances are you are, like me, having some old Note3 device collecting dust. If you preffer to keep your waranty on your new device, it's time to Root your old one. Make sure you have custom recovery in place, such as CWM.”
Make sure you put Unofficial Android Rom to your SD Card (Both Internal and External will be fine).
Now boot into recovery mode by pressing Power Button + Home button + Volume Up at the same time while device is off.
Restore to factory settings and clear all chaches. Make sure device is clear of any data and applications otherwise you could end up in crashing google play store latter on.
Chose Install from ZIP and point to a zip file downloaded above.
If you would like to have google apps installed as well, check the Open Google Apps project, pick the correct version
and install them from zip file too.
Congratulations! You are running Android 7.1 on your Note 3. Not much changed from 6, or it seems? Why all the hype?
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